I never thought of making Lasagna in a crockpot but a friend brought it to a potluck and it was very good. So I made it. Well it is not a dish I have perfected because I made it one night and I fell asleep and it cooked too long and so the edges and bottom burnt a little, the rest was very good. I made it from my recipe and added extra homemade sauce. I think I will make it again some time. It is easy because I usually cook my noodles first and this time I just layered it ( like a casserole dish) in the crock pot and leave it to cook.

One of my sons made the facaccia bread with herbs . It was very good and it went well with the lasagna.. Have quite a few self made chefs in the family.

Trying new recipes are awesome. Crock pot meals are perfect for the family who don't have a lot of time to spend in the kitchen. Use your crock pot more this season. There are so many wonderful recipes you can make in the crock pot from entrees to dessert. You don't have to worry about keeping your food hot. It will keep hot in the crock pot and you can remove the dish right to your table without dish it into a serving dish. Even for a more elegant setting the crock pot can still be used just create a covering around the dish and set on the table. Have fun.

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